Well now dang it!!! This here Katrina has just gone ahead and screwed up my entire day!!! Real Estate prices here in Arizona are bound to go up another 5% because of our "safe harbor" situation as compared to everywhere else. No hurricanes, no tornados, no earthquakes, no frost bite, no frozen pipes, no snow needing plowing, etc. etc. We do have the occasional dust storm but that just tends to make everything sorta blend together (also gives one a reason to spend the afternoon in a nice cocktail lounge rather than go out into the storm y'know).

And you guys don't know nutten about Global "Warming". I heard it hit 113 today, another record, oh well thank the Powers That Be that the biggest Atomic electic generator is just down the road, doesn't take too big a wire to get the juice to my house to keep the temp down to a comfort level befitting my decrepit old age needs. (Well now, I ain't as old as Andy Rooney but I aspire to be that old some day.)

Seriously, I feel very bad for those folks on the Gulf Coast. I have many friends in the Big Easy and I haven't been able to get in contact with any of them yet. Even Cell phones ain't no good when the repeater has been blown over I guess. My heart is heavy for them all.

There's snow on the roof but the fire still burns in the oven.