Advertising hasn't really bothered me up until the past few years. Granted I haven't seen many fly-tackle ads, I have, however, had my fill of pick-up ads and one particular hard-core Dodge Ram guy who was constantly trying to impress me with the power and off-road capability of his truck, as if the ads didn't do that already. Two things were constantly on his mind, trucks and women. I'm single and I hate Dodge because I let what he had to say affect me.

I don't like it when people compete like that, and I seriously believe that an advertisement shouldn't affect someone's personal preference, but I am the last person to succumb to a corporations advertising gimmicks, whether I buy the product or not. To each, his own.

As far as throwing away perfectly good reels, why don't you sell them, buy a couple of cheap fly-fishing outfits, and teach some people how to fly-fish. I wouldn't waste my money throwing away something like that when I could get something good out of it. And if you really want to get rid of them, I'll take them and possibly pay some tuition with them.