PeteMC Wrote: "On the other hand you have fly fishing. You actualy do need a lot of stuff to fly fish. You need a lot of skill with a fly rod. You need a lot of discipline to develope that skill. You need a lot of determination and patience to stick with it long enough to get past the learning curve of a whole lot of fishing and no catching".

Hmmmm. Not so sure, I agree with this statement, in its entirety. True, there are "highly technical fish to be had, in highly technical water" and it DOES require,(on rare occasions), some level of skill and experience to get at those fish.
On the other hand, I think of fly fishing, when asked by a non-fly fisherman.........."is it as hard as it looks and as expensive as I've heard, to fly fish?"........ as that answer being; "Nope!
I always get a kick out being asked this question, on those occasions when I'm fishing with my 6 year old Granddaughter, Sam. At 6, she's been fishing about a year and started out with fly gear. She's never used Power Bait or live bait of any kind and has never used any spinning gear.
She's too young to be "technical" and at only 6, and doesn't have the mind capacity yet, thankfully, to "complicate" fly fishing. She can cast, 30' very well and put her fly, or, popper, where she intends it to go. She, does have, a custom made rod I made her, to fit her physical size and current abilities and her fly line was also built by me, to fit her rod's action and her ability to handle it. But, that's where the "high end and technical things about fly fishing begin and end"!

With Sam along, and having a lot of spin and bait fishermen seeing her cast , retrieve and catch fish, I've been approached more often than when I'm on the water alone and questioned about "fly fishing and what's it all about". I suppose, "seeing a little girl, about the size of a decent Brown, handling a fly line in the air and catching fish,when her fly hits the water", may make many people, that have thought about our sport as "too complicated, too technical, too much trouble", re-think their postilions a little bit!??!