Maxima is well known for understating actual line strength and diameter, that said, maxima is a good mono, I would call it "medium hard", there are harder monos out there (such as hard mason). Using maxima for the butt and taper will make a leader that turns over well in the wind. However unless you have been using level leaders or tapered leaders incorrectly matched to your fly line and size of fly, you may not notice the improvement. If your leader is not turning over in calm conditions, it may be you are not tansferring enough energy to the end of your forward cast to allow the leader to roll over. If this case, three things come to mind:

1) Your back cast is too low which pulls the bottom out from under your loop creating an inefficient extra wide loop.

2) Your timing on coming forward is off, essentially you end up losing energy and line speed.

3) You need to work on your "speed up and stop". "Smooth acceleration with a hard stop" really does wonders in turning everything over. Be careful though as too much power applied too soon will result in tailing loops.

Sorry, if I changed the direction of the thread, but poor leader turnover can be caused by a lot more than just the leader material if you have already been using regular length (7-10 foot) tapered leaders.
