
I fished the Russian River in Alaska many times during 1970/71 when I lived there. I remember that the silvers were so thick in the river that the entire river bed looked like a silver mass heading slowly upstream. I also remember adults and kids fishing the river, and I mean little kids, armed to the teeth with everything from rifles to pistols. Funny, I never carried a weapon, didn't have one, and I was never bothered by a bear on that river. Although I did catch hell from a game warden for improperly releasing a salmon. Actually he showed me how to do it properly and we parted company on very good terms. I hope they throw the book at the a*****e who killed that sow. Grizzlies, and I have seen a number of theme in the wild over the years, are incredible creatures deserving our admiration and protection. Enough of my ranting, lets all go fishing this weekend and leave the weapons at home.


[This message has been edited by Rick Bennett (edited 12 August 2005).]