Quote Originally Posted by Joe Valencic View Post
Good story. Sounds like progress is moving along.
You bet. It only took 5 years. This will push the first barrier other than a few low natural falls about 12 miles up river. I spoke to the Tim Damon, one of the folks in the piece about 4 years ago about it. He is not an engineer or biologist, but he has been a long time advocate for fisheries, and has worked with the power companies on behalf of TU and the state on several issues. He told me that removing the impoundment will actually push the coldwater/warmwater transition zone downstream. I have to brag a bit on my sister, who is the Town Supervisor. She has been ramrodding this thing for 5 years, getting funding, convincing the owner of the dam to sell it to the town, convincing the town board to buy a couple abandoned riverfront properties, getting some bank side brownfields cleaned up, and tons of the other details and obstacles involved.