I'd say, that, "My old #1494 is as old as I AM", but fishing wasn't even invented when I was born. That said, my #1494 IS OLD and I've used it in the salt, here at the beach, for about 12 years now without any problems. BUT, like has also been very well said, "they are NOT reels that you should just "rinse off and put away". I take mine apart and soak it, overnight, every time it's used in salt. Then, it's reassembled, re-greased and put back together.

I've learned, the very hard way, living right here at the Pacific beach, that "if the wind's blowing 2MPH, you're going to get air borne SAND in every part of your gear, you didn't think, you'd get sand in. The air, itself, is full of "salt" to a degree, as well, so you're not going to get away from it, period.

If your friend is "just going after sea perch", that's fine and they're great eating and fun to fish for. But, he should also maybe consider that the ocean's a BIG body of water and many things, OTHER, than sea perch may come wandering along to see what his bait is and if it's tasty or not! "Just, fishing for perch and bass", I've even hooked sharks and grouper, which certainly makes you "pay attention"!

So, he may, or may not, want to look into a more "Salt Fishing" type reel. I use my #1494, in bays and coves, where I'm at least 80% sure, the "big boys" don't venture!?