Hey BH Spey,

Try this website, www.customflys.com Jude's a full time guide on the San Juan River and also a board member here who goes by the moniker riverdancer. He has up to date info on the river, flies, water flows, and other essential San Juan info. Besides that he's one of the most knowledgeable, personable, and down right nice guys you'll ever meet in your life!

Be sure to check out the photo section on Jude's site, it'll leave you drooling and having anxiety attacks for the next few weeks in anticipation of your trip!

If you decide to have Jude take you and your son fishing in his brand new state of the art drift boat, be prepared to experience one of the best days learning and fishing of your life! In case you think I'm fluffing Jude up, dang right I am, anyone who's ever fished with this master guide will mirror the same sentiments!

I'd recommend emailing Jude about the flies that'll be working at the time your planning to take your trip. The flies for this river are VERY SPECIFIC, most are size 20 and smaller (Bring magnifiers to help you with tying on your flies), ask Jude about the 20/20 club when you email him.

Just a word of advice, don't do as I did on my very first trip to the Juan and spend your money stocking up on flies at your local fly shop prior to going on your trip, you'll just be wasting your money. Definitely worth talking to Jude and making sure you get the RIGHT flies so you have a successful and fruitful trip.

For some additional info try this site also, www.ifly4trout.com Mike also has a lot of information to share. Between these two sites, you should garner enough info to boggle your mind.

My wife and I fish the San Juan River every year and ALWAYS have an absolute blast, but what do I know, some say I'm a sick puppy, for I like arguing with fish that average 17-20" all day. And yes you'll probably hook larger fish (20-22") if you spend four days fishing In the right areas, ask Jude!

I'm almost envious, I have to wait until July to get my fix. I've got severe shakes just talking about it! Please report back and let us know how you do.

Tight lines and screaming drags!
