Hey Floyd,

spinner1 has already pointed you in the RIGHT direction for acquiring the desired bags you seek, and there really is no better place to get these awesome feather storage bags.

I'd just like to add a personal Kudo for the ZDO Double Zippered bags I received from TroutGeek. They're awesome, fit all my assorted length feathers and materials perfectly, and the zippers located at each end of the bags have kept my expensive capes from receiving any unnecessary damage when removing or re-inserting them back into the bags. They also keep them safe for storage and bug free! The 20 piece variety pack will keep your expensive capes, hackles, and flash from being bent up and destroyed.

I'd also like to thank Bob from TroutGeek for a great product, being a genuinely nice guy, and most of all, for being a first rate Class Act!

Floyd, I hope the recommendations you receive from the many FAOL'ers will help you locate what you're looking for.

Kindest regards,
