
A couple of things I do with beadheads:
  • Because I don't like to add extra weight in the form of lead wraps; I wrap a thick thread base just behind the eye of the hook and tie it off. I coat it with a little head cement and slide the bead over it. If you get it right the thread will keep the bead in place and center it on the hook shank. I also finish off my beadheads with a few wraps of sparsely dubbed thread just behind the bead. That pegs the bead even more and gives it a "finished" look IMO.
  • Since I only use 1X long hooks for nymphs the length isn't a big issue but I've recently gone to tungsten beads one size smaller than the brass I typically use which gives me more room.
As far as the hole and slipping it around the bend; I have found that the holes in beads varies GREATLY among brands. Unfortunately many times you don't have a choice but if you find that brand X works best for you;try and stick with that brand and hope they don't change sources.

Have fun!