Quote Originally Posted by Max View Post
How much of the fishing is on paid "Beats"?

Alot of the stream fishing in our parts are by Beat. You join the Cape Piscatorial Society and then have acsess to the rivers. We had a problem some years ago with overfishing and people with spinning gear catching the trout regardless if they were spawning or to what size they were and then killing the fish.

Since its been on this system the Society manage the rivers, together with CApe Nature and the streams are now CAtch and release and FF only. Its also keeps the rivers away from the Syndicates. If you booked a beat then only you are allowed to fish that section for the day.

There are a few sections that is open to the public, but these are in very remote mountain sections and the general spinning crowd wont bother to go there. There was some talk (and still is) a while ago to exterminate the trout as they were not indiginous(sp) even though they have been here for more than a 100 years. The Piscatorial Society also helps to prevent this.

We used to have a number of rivers in the area that had trout in them and even one that had sea run trout, but sadly they are no more due to over fishing and polution.

So far the system seems to work.