Watch for the big " brown shaggies" in the Grace Coolidge area. They like to visit in that camping area!! This spring we watched a real round up of the buffs, by the rangers, using bull whips, to run the beasties up and over the ridge! (the buffs were getting too friendly in the camping area...with the campers) It was incredible!!!!! Fantastic fishing in the lake and the walk in area. French Creek, near the horse camping area, was all but gone (did catch a bass in the camp lake), and the hike in area was tough...few and far between...but a real pretty hike.
Kinsella's book is a great resource.
Can't give you much on the camp idea of good camping is at the Best Western!
Trouts don't live in ugly places

[This message has been edited by Betty Hiner (edited 23 August 2005).]