I like a net with a long handle and rubber netting. I haven't been able to find the combo of long handle + rubber netting + shallow net. I don't think a net needs to be more than about 8 inches deep. Shallow makes it easier to get the fish out of the net without any harm. Fish get lost and tangled up in a deep net. I believe a shallow rubber net is easier on the fish than grabbing it by my hands. It gives me control and I can get the barbless hook out easily then just lower the net and let the fish swim away.

By the way some States and Provinces have banned nets that have knots in their construction. So be aware of that rule.

I epoxy a 3 foot measuring tape, the kind you find in sewing shops, to the long wooden handle of my net , gives me instant measurement of the fish.

I use my net for places like Rocky ford creek where you aren't allowed to wade and have to reach way down in some cases to reach the fish.
The boulder strewn Locksa and Selway rivers are another example of places you might have to reach for a fish.

If I am wading or in the toon or my boat I don't need a net the forceps being easiest on the fish.

If I am fishing for salmon, ling cod, rockfish, burbot, halibut that I am targeting for food. Where it is legal I use a large commercial gaff. I have never lost a fish on a gaff.