Seems I need to reiterate something I said somewhere else.

I have looked at some "for sales" with interest but not proceeded because of the "newness" of the poster, except on one or two occasions when a reference was provided.

Can I suggest that the moderators initiate a rule that there must be so many minimum posts before you can post to sell? I'm sure this has been discussed before. As far I recall there has only been one "for sale" poster of dubious origin. However, the spirit of this forum seems a little different to most others and I think we are all keen to protect the feeling of security, or "specialness" we have here.

If there was say a ten post minimum and a completed "bio" before you could lodge sale notices, then we might all be more comfortable and avoid unpleasant exchanges based on suspicion.

Someones first posts should be a pleasant and welcoming exchange anyway so this would help ensure that, wouldn't it?

I don't like to see these bitter responses and recriminations from member to member that are outlined on the other thread: especially when provoked over trivial stuff like this.