Brian, It was a pleasure to meet you when you came by the shop. As I'm sure you could tell, I could have stayed there all day and talked rods and bamboo and trout, but I know you had to get back to the river. I don't think I actually made it to the water that day, but did over the next couple of days, and did really well.

Folks, I haven't fished with Brian yet, but there are just some people that, when you meet them, you know they'd be fun to fish with. Maybe when I get his rod finished out, I can talk him into coming down and we'll get a little water time. The Caddis should be going wild by then.

This will be my last appearance here for awhile. I'm going into the hospital this afternoon and having the total knee done in the morning. Not sure how long I'll be in, but I do know that I'll be housebound for a few days after I get home, so I'll probably sit here on pain meds typing posts... please forgive bad grammer, misspellings and bad opinions in advance! The country boy comes out in me really bad when the Oxycontin takes over! *S*
