Wow, I knew my post would garner some attention but this is interesting. I like hearing everyone's take on defending Sage. It's very interesting. Yes, I agree that buying a sage rod or any other rod is a personal decision and that is a good thing. That's exactly what I do when I purchase a rod. Your also right when Sage is not the company for me and thats also my own decision. I have friends that own fly shops in idaho and montana that will not carry Sage because of the reasons I stated and thats their decision to make.

I have witnessed many, many people buying rods, granted new people into the sport, that run to the name. Have no idea about what action it has and doesnt care, they just want the name sage, to fit in. Also, on the fact of made in the usa. No, I dont think made in the usa is overrated, its the use as a selling point that bothers me. Look, their are great companies in the canada, usa, denmark, england, and others that make quality equip.

I personally saw a guy who was insistant that he have a sage rod that was made in the usa. Then he wanted a fishcat pontoon because it was made in the usa. The salesperson looked at him funny because fishcat is an american company and used the build their boats in the usa. But now their made overseas. The saleperson didnt say anything but went along to make the sale anyway. Also the people that insist on an american made rod and ask for an okuma reel. Why insist on an american made rod and tell the salesperson a 45 min story on why you wont buy a tfo for example because its made overseas ,then put a okuma or some other imported reel on it and drive away in their old beat up saab. Mind blowing!!!

I own american made rods and i own rods made overseas. I own st. croix, winston, sierra, and loop rods with ross reels and okuma reels, etc. The one I most use is the sierra rod only because I like its fast action. Most people have never heard of sierra and think I'm fishing with a kmart rod.

Flyfishing and maybe nascar are the only sports that people get weird about the made in the usa label. I say support all companies because that is what makes our sport better. Just look at chech nyphing and how thats the new rage. Our team usa is doing better with a 8 place finish last year but its the overseas teams that dominate. With out competition from overseas it would hurt our sport quite a bit...Look at HARDY!! As a golf pro or a flyfisherman i look a what eqipment is best for me no matter where its made! I'm a backcountry fly guy who cares about my two sports. If you look into it you see the same things i'm seeing..

Good fishing!!!