I'm bummed to see on the list the one that was planned for a spot about an hour and a half from here. I'm all for supporting the local shop, but when you're in a town with one locally-owned fly shop that's all of about 1000 square feet, getting access to someplace like Cabela's is a big deal. We had a Bass Pro open across the river a year or so ago, but there's no comparison as far as their fly shops go, at least from what I've seen.

I don't think this is a function of Cabela's trying to expand too fast. The dynamics have just changed dramatically from when these were planned. Slowing economy, consumer confidence in the tank, and retail sales slumping across all spectrums, none of which was the case a year or more ago when the plans were made. This is no different than Starbucks and other recent announcements dramatically scaling back new store openings. Bad news in the general sense too I guess.