I mainly fly fish for the solitude, even in the streams near Buffalo, if yoiu want to bust some shoe leather, you can get that.

That said, I enjoy getting together with my fly buddies for a fish-in or 2. I like the comraderie that they provide and it's an all around hoot. I learn something new each outing.

I head to Canada each spring to fish for pike and walleye with my brother, bro in law, uncle and nephews, because my dad took me each year...life is a bunch of circles!!!

I take my girls out in the boat to fish for bass and walleye each spring and summer. It is time well spent. They can net, bait, drive troll, jig as well as any of my fishing partners. They grow so fast and those days and night are a keepsake, placed onto a memory board.

I tie flies because it is mindless and theraputic, like watching a campfire at night with a cold beer.

Life is indeed good...