The website that TYFLIER mentioned in his post was about the best I saw when I checked online sources a while ago. However, I would mention that if I weren't a physical therapist already familiar with those exercises, I would probably have difficulty following the directions given. Most of the exercise programs I found in my online search were very vague, poorly described, or even inappropriate for the conditions treated. I wrote this week's book review on Fit to Fish: How to Tackle Angling Injuries. For $19.95, this book can be purchased from Frank Amato Publications, which is one of FAOL's sponsors. The book provides very clear, illustrated instructions for rotator cuff exercises, as well as exercises for elbow, wrist, knee, ankle, and spine problems. This is probably the best book of this type I have seen in over 30 years of practicing physical therapy. I would recommend it highly.
Larry Compton