You will hear both sides on the issue as posted above. In one person's hands rotary is better, in another, stationary is better. You do have a good stationary vise - I am not sure that I would switch without a more compelling reason, like my vise broke.

I learned on cheap stationary vises and then got a Danvise - which is an inexpensive full rotary vise. I began tying stationary-style on the Danvise and gradually over the years learned and used the rotary features more and more. I personally would never buy a vise that was not full rotary - just because I am used to it and its versatility. Not saying it cannot be done and maybe better with a stationary.

My point was going to be that I am not sure just trying a rotary vise will be very enlightening - unless you barrow one and give it several weeks. Even that may not be enough time to begin seeing the advantages. Maybe that rotary-technique video mentioned will be the ticket, I have heard that it is good. Need to look at the myself.
