Quote Originally Posted by NoLuck View Post
Thanks for the congrats.
I'll probably be taking some tying lessons here before too much longer. I can learn from friends here and there but, I think I'll really accelerate the learning curve by taking lessons. It's funny just a year and a half ago I said I would never need to tie my own flies. It sure makes the down times go bye a lot faster.

Hey RIch, congratulations, that is so awesome. ANd the fly you tied sounds so damn intricate. The cold hard truth is, people who catch really huge rainbows, often catch them on flies that are just silly easy to tie. For instance I put a hook in a vice. grabbed a red bead by pliers, light a lighter under the hook, and lowered the bead onto the hook. Have caught 20 - 40 steelies 20- 36 inches this way.

Even worse, took a size 22 scud hook, tied down some dark wire, wrapped it around the hook, tied it down, caught a 32 inch rainbow. It actually matched the hatch, a midge.