MM, RW again

If you go to Fish-Ins in the index and click on Roscoe Fish-In 2004 Wrap-Up, then to picture number 11 you will see the stream that Rich lives on. It's beautiful. One of my favorites in the Catskills. Maybe that's why he named his reels after it. The one-weight and Hardy fly-weight reel in the picture is mine.

If you want to see the Fir-Brook reel in action, go back a few pics. That's a shot I took of Allan catching his first trout on his new Fir Brook reel on the Neversink River at the 2004 fish-in. It was also the baptism of his Lee Wulff cane rod he had just won here on FAOL. The reel is slightly obscured in the picture by his hat brim.

Later, RW

"We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-