John, Have you found the ferrules you need yet? I own Cold Creek Rod Company and have just recently decided to join the "internet world". I hope to have my first web site soon but I'm not in a hurry. If this is in-fact your fist attempt to do this work I can possibly help. I will make you a set of ferrules for cost minus my time. I have always encouraged beginners to dive into rod building soon that later. If you have the original ferrules you could send them to me and I will replicate them, or you can give me the sizes you need and I can make you a set of SuperZ's. I use new nickel/silver rod #18 and it will take about a week to get them cut and in the mail. The cost is $3.95 for priority US Post envelope and the material cost "minus" my labor (for your first attempt) will be $4.50. Total $8.35. However, part of the fun in learning the business is sizing the ferrules. I will oversize the male/males by .001 and you can finish and polish them to meet your needs as you see fit. Let me know if you still need them, or if I can be of any other help. Good luck...