Yes you can lightly sand those imperfections out with either one of tow or three methods. I use 2000 or 2500 grit sandpaper from the automotive parts stores. I cut thin strips of it, glue it to wooden hobby sticks, and wet sand the imperfections LIGHTLY....too much and you can get into the threads and you have a real mess on your hands. another method is to use a mixture of paraffin oil mixed with pumice or rotten stone powder to make a paste and that works well too. just make sure that you remove all of the residue prior to recoating.

One of the things you can do to virtually eliminate those imperfections is to use a very very smooth burnishing tool after you wrap and to use an alcohol lamp to remove dust, fuzzies and other things that may cause a lump in the finish. Secondly, if you are wrapping with silk, wrap the silk directly to the rod from the spool rather than running the thread through a tensioning device as that will definitely cause some fuzzing of the silk thread. My tensioning device applies ther pressure directly to the ends of the spool rather than to the for me!!

Clean up with acetone, and prior to what I have read in some other forums, the acetone will not thin the Permagloss it will ruin it if you try. Been there, done that!! Also, after you clean your brush in the acetone, dry it on a paper towel and reclean it in denatured alcohol to remove the acetone residuals...makes the brushes much softer that way