HopperDropper: what you discovered is, A FISHING ROD!!!!!! Not a casting rod.

The industry has told you through advertising, fly shops, product development, guides, casting "experts", and boundless "trout" magazines that you must have a super-duper lightening fast 9' (but, better a 22') 6wt. to cast a #16 Parachute Adams 80 feet to a rising trout.

But, there is a pinpoint light at the end of the tunnel.....mid-weight rods, 5,6,7 in 8' or less; because, the "industry" is realizing that the majority of new fly anglers and more and more older converts are fishing w-a-r-m-w-a-t-e-r. And, as this article lays out, the shorter the rod the greater the casting accuracy:

If you really want a lot of information on glass rods, this is the site:


Regards, Jim