Maybe it's "A movement"!? Because I've also met a young lady, in "Birthday suit attire", while fishing the Nehalem River summer before or last!?

Wading in hip boots, wading staff, and light cotton LL Bean's vest. Orvis rod and an Abel TR2 reel. About 22 to 20 something, years old I'd guess-ta-mate. Yes, I noticed the details of her "fishing gear", because as I sat on a large, flat, rock to re-tie a tippet she came out of the water, walked over and sat down 3 feet away to talk.

She struck up the usual "fly fisherman's conversation", about bugs on the water at that time of day, the trouble she'd been having with the currents and mending her line just right, etc. Quite a nice, young lady, very pretty red head, exceptional figure and also was very well versed in the sport, but evidently "liked to fish lightly dressed"!?!
After our exchange, she walked off, upstream and I sat for a while longer, getting my tongue un-knotted out of the double surgeon's knot, between my leader and tippet I'd tied while we talked.

The only other instance of "oddities on the water", I've seen perhaps, "funnier" as opposed to "shocking", was one time on the lake near me, while a couple of us were belly boating for largemouth.
We saw a man on shore drive in and park, unload his U-boat, then inflate another much smaller nylon covered inner tube and commence strapping the smaller one, to his U-boat.

Once both inflatables were in the water, he took a small self contained outboard from his truck and mounted it inside some sort of transom set up in the smaller tube. He got in, pulled the cord on the little putt-putt and off her went, heading down the lake!!

It was quite the strange site, considering the "aqua-dynamics" of a U-boat, coupled with the round shape of the tube for the motor, plus he was also obviously dragging his legs underwater!?! NOT, to mention, the way he'd set this whole "rig" up.............. he naturally traveled backwards, under power, too!