Yes, so true, on the "price of glass, zooming up to into the Helios range"!
"Funny", how that "works", isn't it? Ten years ago, probably more like FIVE even, you could get old glass fly rods for tomato stake prices. But, "let 'em find out, that fly fishermen are interested in them again" and "BAMO" goes the pricing ceiling!

I've still, thankfully so far, had fairly decent luck at the "Thrift/junk/second hand store level", scoring a decent rod now and then. Since I have my "two favorites" I mentioned earlier, when I find one now I pass it on to someone looking for a glass rod. So, for me, it's now down to the "thrill of the hunt", more or less. (Unless, of course, I find one of those "Rudd Peaks" for $1.79!?!).