The Selway looks (to me anyway) really big and wide down in the lower section, near Three Rivers Resort. And then if you hike upvalley past the road-end parking lot you absolutely will not believe your eyes -- there's many long, huge and deep pools up there. That river must change personalities quite a bit from mile to mile.

I prefer fishing the "skinny" water, too. (Nice terminology; thanks, I'll file that one away!) I actually expected the Lochsa and Selway to be skinny rivers -- you know, never having seen them before? I assumed they were both the same general width and depth as the East Fork of the Salmon. Wrong! If I fish them again I'll be sure to bring my 9-ft. 3-wt. and leave the shorter 00-wt. at home. That would make distance throwing lots easier, especially after Castwell critiqued my stroke (which really improved things for me).

Yeah, it can be tough to do much sight-seeing from behind the wheel while driving that lower Selway river road. Do too much gawking and you're no longer on the road at all!