Exchange it for a 3 weight zxl.

Quote Originally Posted by HopperDropper
I've seen several posts in the forum about 3 wt rods and the many configurations. I'm sure this topic has been debated and discussed thousands of times but what is the ideal length (like there is such a thing) for a 3 wt rod if you had to choose only one. I was recently given a Sage SLT 376-4 for a gift. I'm trying to decide if I should exchange it for a 383-4.

I little background... I have 3 other rods, a 486 LL, a 590 Z-AXIS, and a 690 XP I use for the occasional big water streamer/nymph trip. Living in Utah gives me the opportunity to fish a variety of rivers of various sizes. I use the 5 weight most of the time and the 4 weight on smaller rivers. The main use for the 3 weight will be small mountain streams, but I could see it crossing over and taking over some of the role my 4 weight plays because I love the idea of a 3 weight. Knowing the other rods I own, which rod would fit into the group better.

Anyone have any experience with these or similar rods? Thanks in advance for the feedback.