
Simple answer: Not really; I like both but...

I was a dyed in the wool braided butt leader fan but I only like one brand; Beartooth. I had trouble finding them so I experimented with furled leaders in the mean time. I tried the mono Blue Sky and while I liked them; I wasn't overwhelmed.

Then I got some furled leaders twisted up by some FAOL'ers that were made of UNI thread and ZOWIE; I was in LOVE!

I have no time or interest at the moment to furl my own so once I get my supply of thread furled leaders from an anonymous source; I'll never go back to braided butt leaders although they served me well for years.

All I can tell you about furled leaders is; if I didn't try the THREAD version; I would have given up on them. IMHO thread is 1000X better than mono for the type of fishing I do which is stream fishing for trout; 75% on the surface.