I have written on this sort of issue many times as have others. In simple terms, the environment can be protected if enough people put some effort into it UNTIL the public (of which we are part of) starts running out of something. Then we loose. This is true of narural gas, petrolium, water, and other resources. At that point the situation becomes political and gets decided by politicians or judges who have no expertise in the area. The sad part about it is, there is a better way. In the auto industry as well as many other manufacturing concerns, systems such as QS900X and DFMEA's have been established to work out problems which span different disciplines. It is such a shame to see this hapening over and over. Kolke Creek was just one other example where this all could have been avoided.

If you are curious, on my website (www.HATofMichigan.org) on the environmental page, you can read what my opinion is. I would be curious as to what you all feel. This is only going to get worse as resources get thinner and demand grows.


Bob Bolton