I have not fly fished that area personally but it is beautiful country. We are just now getting into our monsoon season here so expect heavy thunderstorms almost every afternoon 2-5pm. Check with Jon Rainey at Los Rios anglers in Taos. They fish the Northern waters exclusively and can get you headed in the right direction.

I have a free pass for the Rio Costilla that is good for 3 days camping. I won it at our local club fund raiser. Value is about $30. I will give it to you if you want it. My schedule does'nt look like I will be able to use it.....so I would be happy to pass it along for free. All I ask is that you e-mail me fishing report and let me know how the fishing is in that area. E-mail me your address if you want me to send you the pass. I think it is good for two people. (it's at home and I'm at work right now)...

Also I would think you are on the right track with hoppers and stimulators. Also have some elk hair caddis and ants.

Have a nice day,

John G.
Albuquerque, NM