The closest trout is probably going to be the Blue River which is NNW of Sherman/Denison, TX near Tishomingo, OK. I'm not sure if it fits into your 2 hour window, but they stock trout starting in November. It's all put-and-take fishing for most of the river, but they are creating a walk in area at the upper stretch that will be C&R only til sometime in the spring when it will become catch-and-keep. The trout can't survive the summers due to water temps. Here's a link for more info I haven't fished there yet, but am planning a trip in November. Our FF Club had a good presentation by the ranger for the park and it looks really interesting. Trout in Texas (other than the community lakes that are stocked in winter) requires a trip down near Austin; definitely beyond the 2 hour window. I hope this helps.
