That's the one Joe. Thanks. I was offered a 3 weight kit only in a 2 piece for $50. I like the idea of a 4 piece a lot better. And the 7'9" model makes more sense for me than a 9 footer. That kit you're using looks like a pretty nice outfit. If you don't clean them out, I may get one for myself.
Thanks for your help.
Lotech Joe

Quote Originally Posted by Joe Valencic
Quote Originally Posted by Lotech
Seems I read a post earlier about someone who was going to buy a bunch of 3 or 4 piece 3 weight kits and teach a class on rod building. I can't find that post and was wondering if ya'll can help me find it.
Thanks Ahead,
Lotech Joe
You must be dreaming about rodbuilding and FAOL at the same time. could be recalling a post I made recently about teaching a class on 10/27. Most of the participants will be building the Tradition II fly rods from Hook & Hackle, and they are all 4-piece rods.

There was also a thread about 3wts recently that I contributed to at: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=20778&p=201219&hilit=#p201219

If there's something you need to know specifically, post here or PM me or Dr Bob
