Welcome to the neighborhood!
When you get to town please stop by, and perhaps join, one of the finest fly fishing clubs in the country
The Connecticut Fly Fisherman's Association. http://www.ctflyfish.org/
Meetings are in East Hartford on the second Wednesday of the month, the annual expo and banquet is in February. This year's special guest is Bob Clouser
We have lots of members that have saltwater running through their veins as well as plenty of trout nuts.
There's a saltwater fly tying class that begins in January and a saltwater fly fishing school in March, if you're interested.
Coastal fly fishing author Ed Mitchell lives in the Hartford area. His books and articles are a great resource for the NE salt
I fish the coast from the Connecticut River east, as well as a good chunk of Rhode Island. Plus the mecca of NE salt water, Cape Cod is only a few hours away
This afternoon, I'll be fishing Narragansett Bay RI from the kayak , only about 45 minutes from my house
The big choppers are in