Lakes in Oregon are managed for whatever fish the State chooses. IF someone takes it on them self to introduce a non native fish, it can be catastrophic, as in the case of Diamond Lake in southern Oregon. Diamond's famous trout fishing DIED, FOR YEARS! At the time, THE MOST popular fishing Lake in Oregon. Here is another illustration; We hiked around Diamond Lake a few yrs ago and we came upon a Campground....And the ONLY inhabitants were ONE trailer, The Camp Host. Hundreds of Empty Camp Sites All because some LAW BREAKER(S) introduced Chub to Diamond.
So if you follow regulations, like a decent human being, then we don't have these problems. READ the Report on the Rotenone chemical that will be used to kill the Pike. This chemical is NOT Agent Orange!, It suffocates the Pike and they can't breath anymore. Rotenone is temporary!
People just can't leave ANYTHING alone! Are their brains so much MUSH they can't transport their butts to a PIKE LAKE???