Fishing for brookies with the water as low as it is right now is going to be challanging.....they are very easily spooked. We need some serious rain here.

It has been my experience that brookies in small mountain streams are not usually very selective, and the farther up the headwaters, the less selective they are. Water temperature and flow are more important than than fly selection, they will eat anything that looks "buggy". A good friend introduced me to a great dry fly this spring for brook trout's the "Patriot". It's very visible having white wings and the brookies seem to think they look very tasty. I used to fish a lot with an Adams but when you're on a deeply shaded stream it's hard to see and track your fly. As nymphing goes, I've used GRHE's, Pheasant tail and a Prince nymph with equal success in sizes #14, 16 & 18.
