Bob Nunley, a well respected rod maker, sometimes jumps onto FAOL and he could give you some good insight.

I too have considered making my own cane rods, after retirement. If I had the money I would do the classes. It would sharpen the learning curve. Sometimes knowing what NOT to do is as important as knowing what TO do and you would have someone who can give you tips, pointers and etc. ...well, I would think that would be a huge advantage.

As for the H&I rods, I would refinish them yourself. If you have already built graphite rods then your already familar with some of the processes. You may find that you like those rods very much.

I agree with Bassman, you should first try a cane rod, if you have not already done so, to make sure YOU WANT to fish with them. Then again, there have been cane rod makers who didn't fish at all.

Just my .02