The body is arctic fox dubbing( I made it myself) and I made it soo skinny/thin because I wanted to show the fish something different, and the reversed hackle is to PUSH more water and have more movement. It also doesnt stick to the body during the retrieve, if gets put backwards during the strip, and then PUFFS back out, this is very important for me because I fish stillwaters and the fish can take there own sweet time to look at the fly.(It's a descision helper)
Normally I tie them with chenille and tie the hackle in by the tip, but thats soo standard, I wanted to mix it up a bit.

As for the stimulator, I sometimes use a lightweight brassie or some other light dropper fly below it, So at times of low light I can see white better as compared to tan which fades away. Also I can see the white at greater distance.....which I usually end up doing for far away fish from shore.