Hi Guys,
Just returned home from the Championships. Anyone that hasn't experienced this event can't possibly imagine all that occured. I too was a "Doubting Thomas" (it IS my middle name!) about this type of event. The smiles on the faces of the kids erased all doubts I might have had. I saw abolutely nothing negative, and so much positive! Last week was simply the best week of my entire life.
There were several FAOL members there, at all levels of involvement, and each one will tell you the same thing. I got a chance to work with Wireguy, and he made a comment that sticks with me. He said " I've learned more about fishing in 4 hours here than I did in my entire life."
The best thing about fly fishing is that you never stop learning, no matter how long you do it. Spending time with people that share our passion for fly fishing, and learning all we can about it are why we're all here on FAOL. As with many things in life, competition drives the cutting edge of knowledge forward. Keep an open mind about these type of events - you might be surprised at what you learn.......Ed