I'm a big surf fan, in fact it's my favorite form of fly fishing.
Like yourself I have read Ken's rant a number of times.
Ken has a number of issues that he feels "strongly" about, but the use of floating line in the surf is one I can agree with (mostly)
This season I even got myself a 10' rod to better lift my floating line over breaking waves.
I find that when the surf is a reasonable level, say five feet and under, a floating line works as advertised, and if you're paying attention to line control you can even skip the stripping basket
Although my floating line technique improves with each session, when the surf is heavy, I find I still do better with a full sink.
Casting and fishing parallel with the waves is almost always the best way to go even if you need to wade out and quarter cast toward shore.
It's amazing how often you will cast out as far as you can only to have a fish strike right in the wash