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Thread: What is the strangest fish you have ever caught?

  1. #11


    Another strange fish i have seen was an arrowtooth flounder. It had 1 inch teeth. I did no catch it but i took the hook out of its mouth! I'll post a picture if i catch one is week. Im going to Lapush for rockfish.

    trout, bass, sea bass i dont care its fishing. <><

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    A strugeon in the Mississippi River.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Des Moines Washington


    Last year the seagulls seem to really like my flies. got one to hand, lost another and had a few others try for the fly. Funny thing is they do not fight as well as I thaught they would and getting even a barbless hook out of their beak is one big pain.

  4. #14
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    Nashville, TN. USA
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    An eel, if it counts. Actually, it broke off as I was lifting it out of the water. That was when I learned about the effects of twisting monofilament. The eel couldn't have been much over a pound. He broke a piece of much stronger line that was fresh. (I think that he had broken off a few minutes before without clearinf the water.)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oregon usa


    two inch bluegill on a #8 fly. Hungry little thing.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec



    LOL,... Up here, ... we often "catch" salmon Parr.

    The darn things are so agressive, they seem to have preference for GIANT muddlers (a #4 is often AS long as an early season Parr).

    Glad I use barbless hooks, 'cause the poor things look "miserable".

    Christopher Chin
    Jonquiere Quebec
    Personal Page: [url=http://pages.videotron.com/fcch/:6a596]http://pages.videotron.com/fcch/[/url:6a596]

    FishIn 2006:
    Christopher Chin

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    An Octopus while jigging for cod In my younger days . Was to scared of it to boat it so I cut it loose . I had a porpoise grab a Pink and strip off line till I had to cut it off.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  8. #18


    I was fishing a #8 Hornberg just about at dark in my younger days in Cardigan, PEI Canada for steelhead or salmon, whichever would take, when something swirled & missed my fly. I yanked my fly up into a backcast to send it right back on top of the rising fish, when my line kinda went limp, then moved. Much to my amazement, I had hooked a bat by the wing. I had to put my hat over the frantic critter,& try to unhook the hapless thing. A small hole in the wing, and it was on its way. Fishing across the road from the same spot a few days later for mackerel, the guy next to me hooked a seagull as it grabbed his bait before it landed on the water. Man, the noise a hook mekes inside a seagull's beak is just like the old schoolteacher running her nails down a chalkboard. Something I'll never forget!! PS the seagull wasn't too happy that it lost its' free meal either!!

    Tight Lines & Big Smiles
    Take A Kid Fishing!!!
    Take a Kid Fishing. HECK, take ME Fishing(and my kids,LOL)

  9. #19


    While fishing in fast trout water, I caught a 13" goldfish that must have been on steroids and a bat that swooped down and caught my Royal Wulff during the evening...I scratched my head in amazement and then quit for the day...

  10. #20


    I actually caught a muskrat once...they are in some of the ponds in the Black Hills and are pretty active an hour or so before sunset. One swam right across my leader before I had a chance to lift and get it out of the way...he got tangled up in my leader and then eventually my fly. He dove and broke off but I'm sure he was wondering why his arse was stinging. Hopefully the barbless hook worked itself out.

    The other odd catch was a loon...it took 5 of us to wrestle him in, dodging that 6" knife of a beak that they have. Ended up cutting off the leader but felt horrible about it in the process! I saw him diving and swimming away so I hope he was alright.

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