mcsteff - Thanks, that's the info I was lookin for. For some reason the 2001 edition is going for a lot more money than the 1976 editions. So I will pick up a copy, either from Glenn Blackwood's shop or online.

Hey we can fish whenever brother! The Flat had been fishing nice for smallies, and some reliable sources have been telling me that the Coldwater has been ON FIRE this year! We can fish it now for trout, it often is colder than the North Branch of the AuSable most of the summer (excluding rain events). Of course, I haven't fished it yet this year, but that is another story. It is supposed to get a nice caddis hatch in October, and if I keep chipping away at it, I may be done with my Driggs River by then. We can go wave some cane around then, but if you'd like, we can also go sooner. I have been trying to get together with Rainbowchaser up on the White since last fall, but that has just been a pathetic mess... never seems to work out. Just gotta keep askin and eventually these things work out.