Sorry for the delay. You will see at least 2 distinct species of sulphurs. Even though the overall color will be a pale yellow, they will also have varying amounts of orange in the thorax area.

Sulphur parachute
Hook-TMC 100 (sz14-1
Thread-yellow 8/0 Uni
Tail-med dun hackle fibers
Body-yellow turkey biot
Thorax- Fly Rite #33 orange sulphur
Post-yellow poly yarn
Hackle-med dun

Sparkle Dun * I think the sparkle dun out-fishes the reg compara dun
Hook-TMC 100 (14-1
Thread-uni 8/0 yellow
Shuck-brown or rust colored zelon
Body-pale yellow Superfine dubbing
Thorax-Fly Rite #33 orange sulphur
Wing-bleached costal deer hair *lots of locals like a wing of yellow CDC instead

Hook-TMC3769 (sz14-16)
Thread-Rusty-Brown Uni 8/0
Tail-pheasant fibers dyed red * a dark colored pheasant tail will do fine
Body-pheasant tail dyed red
Wire-small red Ultra wire
Thorax-Fly Rite #33 orange sulphur
Hackle- brown hen

Klinkhammer Style Parachute
Hook-Gamakatsu C12 * it has a nice flat spot to place the post (sz14-1
Thread- Uni yellow 8/0
Tail- red pheasant tail fibers
Body- red pheasant tail fibers
Wire-small red Ultra wire
Thorax-Fly Rite #33 orange sulphur
Hackle-med dun
Post-yellow poly

Cripple-Quigley style
Hook-TMC 100 (sz14-1
Thread-yellow Uni 8/0
Tail-red zelon
Body-red pheasant tail fibers
Wire-small Red Ultra wire
Thorax-Fly Rite #33 sulphur orange
Wing- yellow elk
Hackle-med dun