Having been at this for a modest amount fo time I have to say that a buck a fly is no "real deal". At the Orvis events you can get a pretty good deal at times. First of all you had better know the prices on every thing that you are buying or you will come up at a serious disadvantage.The last event I was at the hackle they had "discounted " was selling at the same price as in the catalog. They had marked it up just to mark it down. Talk about flim Flam!
Many times you can get the same product elsewhere at significantly lower costs except it wont say "Orvis" any where on it. Just because it says Orvis doesnt mean that it is a great product.
As for the "seconds" store in Manchester? It was way ,way overpriced at my last visit.
Dont get me wrong, I have a lot of good Orvis stuff. Just be aware of what you are getting. They dont make most of what they sell. You are most certainly paying for the logo and the name.