It's interesting to see that there are other states whose lawmakers are as dysfunctional and uncooperative as those in my state. Like spoiled children who have no accountability or repercussions for their inability to get a job done by its deadline, they will drag their feet, allow the deadline to pass and a shutdown to occur, then spend their time pointing the finger of blame at the other side of the aisle. They care not who gets hurt while they bicker among themselves, and will surely have an excuse why THEY were not part of the problem. IMO, if a budget is not reached by its deadline (in any state), the sitting lawmakers should be removed from office immediately, and their seats filled by temporary workers from the local Manpower offices. Isn't that the way it works in the REAL world? If you can't deliver in a timely manner, you are promptly if's, and's or butts! It's bye, bye, loser. I'm sure the Manpower workers can do the same job, or maybe even better.

I digress before I get removed from this site.
