Quote Originally Posted by Bradbury

A friend of mine in the office is going to Colorado and she is an avid fisherman. She was looking into this Travel Series rod by L.L. Bean, probably in a 6 weight. It is 9 pieces and is 13 inches long for each piece. They claim it will not come apart.

Has anybody had any experience with these rods? Please provide me your feedback.



Hi . . .

I rewarded myself with the 6-piece model this spring, and I must say it is an excellent piece of craft for fly fishing. I pack the 13" case into my courier bag, hop onto my mountain bike, and reach the water in a half an hour with no fears, headaches, or even bungee cords (wrapped around the main frame; my old method of two-piece rod transport).

The action on my 5-weight is fine, very easy to work with on my home stream, which averages between 20 and 40 feet in width. I also took it onto AMTRAK for a long weekend in Connecticut, and it worked equally well on the trout ponds I fished up there. The rod has so far handled all conditions, and has proven very sporting when matched against brown trout, smallmouth bass, and redbreast sunfish.

Hope this helps . . .

-- ron P.

Fine art fly pattern illustrations for your viewing pleasure at: http://www.ronpswegman.com/sketches.html
