Sorry Mark! It was great meeting you, and like I say, I am the pits with names. I also didn't get a full list of those that came to the gathering, only the first page up to the J's. Do you have the rest of the list?

Don't mean to rain on everyones parade. Like I said, I do not believe that the hex's have started on the North Branch yet, and there may still be some action on the Upper Manistee for those who get there early. I would guess that they still would rise to a Hex fly if shown it, but who knows. Today was hot, but I hear it is supposed to cool down again this week and be around 80 degrees on the 4th. Don't give up hope entirely. Besides, the tricos should be just starting on the North Branch then, which is always a hoot and a half. Can also throw a mouse or a gurgler after dark on the South for Mr. Big too.