Shaggy and Troutstalker-

Glad I found this topic.

My brother and I will be arriving in the Fernie area on Sept 7 and staying a week. Our intent is to fish the various streams in the area (BC and Alberta) and, since we do not have a boat, public access is vital to us. I would appreciate any and all comments you might be able to give me regarding:

1. Your thoughts on expected water conditions at that time of year for this year
2. Good eating spots in the area
3. Recommended streams we should check out. I do know of the Elk, St. Mary's, etc. Have heard the Wigwam is very tough to get to.
4. Any fishing guidebooks that describe the area. Half the fun of these trips for me is the reading up on it beforehand and getting the anticipation up to a high level!
5. General thoughts on the type of fishing conditions we would expect to encounter and types of flies (if different from those mentioned earlier in this post).

Thanks for all your help! I can't tell you how excited I am to be returning to Canada. This will be our first time to fly fish there, but as children my parents took us to Western Canada for vacation many times and I have developed a deep love for the country.
