Results for last night:
Triple Surgeons knot vs Triple Surgeons loop - Triple Surgeons knot wins 30 to 0
King Sling vs Triple Surgeons Loop - King Sling wins 28 to 2
Orvis vs King Sling - Orvis wins 27 to 3
Orvis vs Double Surgeons knot - Orvis wins 25 to 5
Orvis vs Triple Surgeons knot - Triple Surgeons wins 16 to 8 with the line breaking in the middle the other 6 times.

I stopped at this point, I'm planning on going fishing on friday and I was low on wooly buggers. I'm going to use the Triple Surgeons knot while fishing to see how well it holds up in a real world environment.

[This message has been edited by luke (edited 30 June 2005).]